Exhibition, Humanoïde de Lerne, ESACM, Clermont-Ferrand, Fr 2020
Group exhibition :CERISE: :CERISE: :CLOCHE:
at ESACM, Clermont-Ferrand, Fr
Text by Alex Pou
«A text for the road.
There is a place on Earth where we never say «Goodbye», we always say «Goodbye». People don’t know what it’s like to leave each other, they only think that encounters are moments that punctuate paths. There is no beginning, no end. For them, these abstract notions do not exist, there are only possible promises.
A degree was planned, with its rituals, its habits, then suddenly something unexpected happened, and it was necessary to invent another way of meeting, another way of saying goodbye. We had to rethink the ritual as a new moment and get rid of the old habits.
We heard :
- Things are going badly.
- It’s complicated.
- We won’t make it.
- It’s breaking down.
- How are we going to do it?
- We won’t make it, that’s for sure.
- Why is this happening now?
- Why is this happening to us?
- Just at the most important moment.
We heard this:
- Go home, it’s over!
Nothing more, get out of the way.
And then, everyone thought it was time to make a new road, to make
a new moment, a new promise. »
Credit: Vincent Blesbois