Maison Folles #7
Lille, Fr
Installation presented for Les Maisons Folles in the town of ronchin
Welcome to 5020, a bunker inhabited by digital ghosts.
The screens are watching us, observing us.
"After a four-year break, Les Maisons Folles will open its doors again in 2022 for a 7th edition.
For months, the Idées en Fleurs association has been working to bring joy and color to its neighborhood. More than ever, after this period of turmoil, we need to be able to get together and share.
For 12 years now, residents of Ronchin's Fleurs district have been inviting artists Thibaut Bellière, Corine Borgnet, Christophe Bouder, Gilbert Coqalane & Nathalie Sejean, Cléa Coudsi & Éric Herbin, La Belle Époque, Marie-Noëlle Deverre, Sylvain Dubrunfaut, Grégory Grincourt, Michael Kerbiche, Sylvain Paris, Manon Pretto, Julien Salaud, Jeanne Susplugas, Nicolas Tourte, to present their works in the confidential sphere of their homes.
This unusual exhibition setting creates rich and improbable encounters between artists, residents and visitors.
This year, 15 houses will lend themselves to the game of dialogue between intimate space and artistic creation. Once again, you'll be able to discover a wealth of works: installations, drawings, paintings, sculptures, videos... ".