performance, protective foam masks, cables, blue neon, music

Blueskin exists independently of our presence, a real situation that takes place in the exhibition space. The spectators are immersed in a visual and auditory odyssey. In front of us, the performers are attached to this neon light by a cable, which seems to be both their weapon and a tangible and vital link dependent on an electrical outlet, like possible cybernetic souls. If one of them disconnects, they are all lost. Like robots trapped in space, fighting with their cables in a hyper-technological society.


This performance explores the limits between the production of reality and cyberpunk fiction. These two characters between knights and cyborgs, not only machines, but not yet humans, show our future, like humans over-connected to information networks.

Machines can have a soul; by using them on a daily basis to simplify human life, we have made them more and more efficient and we have lost our way. We have become subjugated. How can humans upset this order so as not to disincarnate?