Radiant Mutations
Video, Screen, variable dimensions

Human bodies are constantly evolving. We adapt not only to the environments in which we live, but also to the technologies we create. The digital mutation of our bodies is a recent development, but one that is gaining momentum.

Digital bodies are hybrid entities, blending flesh and technology. Virtual mutations transform our traditional representations of the human body, metamorphosing them into digital flesh.

This technological mutation of our representations of the human body opens the way to unprecedented digital forms. The resulting digital evolutions are both fascinating and disquieting.

Hybrid bodies are technological creations that challenge our traditional perceptions of what a body is. They are often associated with technological augmentations, such as implants or prostheses.

Virtual transfiguration is the evolution of our bodies into digital entities. This enables new forms of expression, communication and interaction with the world around us.

Ultimately, augmenting bodies are technological creations that enable us to go beyond the limits of our own bodies. They enable us to adapt to an ever-changing digital world, and redefine what it means to be human.